The Parents & Friends' Association at Carnegie Primary School was formed to enable parents and friends of students at the school to play an active role in their children's education and in school events. It is a vital part of the school community and represents our families at the school.Our objective is to provide services and raise funds for the benefit of the children and the school. Members meet on a monthly basis to discuss ideas for improvements, fund raising activities, to plan social events, or to assist with arrangements for school activities such as school sports. The association is an active one, and the school community generously supports our activities resulting in a substantial contribution to the school. Recent fundraising activities have supported improvements in areas of literacy, classroom furniture, outdoor landscaping improvements and ICT needs.We encourage anyone and everyone to get involved in whatever capacity they can. The members are an easy going and friendly group and enjoy many social functions together. It is a great way to meet new people and to enjoy the company of friends whilst helping the school. We understand that everyone's lives are busy and appreciate whatever time members are able to offer to the school.Some of the social, fundraising and community activities of the Parents and Friends' Association are:
If you would like to join the PFA, please complete this form:
PFA Membership Form
For a description of PFA positions which are filled at the AGM each year, please click on the link below...
PFA Role Descriptions
For a copy of the PFA Constitution, please click below...
PFA Constitution
Committe Positions for 2023:
President: Sandra Michela
Secretary: Lee Vu
Treasurer: Sanaa Radion
We look forward to welcoming you to the PFA!