ICT/Digital Technologies

Carnegie Primary School has dedicated Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Digital Technologies Programs supported by a specialist ICT/Digital Technologies teacher. 


ICT is integrated within daily teaching practice with our specialist teacher and classroom teachers, providing instruction for using and operating a range of technologies, including practical computer processing and presenting skills involving a variety of apps and programs as well as movie making and photography. Students have access to iPads, Interactive Screens, cameras, laptops and desktop computers, which enhance learning experiences. 




Students from Prep – 6 are taught content as recommended in the Digital Technologies Curriculums. Students have access to Bee Bots, Sphero robots and Lego Mindstorm for coding, robotics and digital problem solving tasks.


Carnegie is an eSmart accredited school and has a strict Acceptable Use Policy, which all students have to agree to and sign before accessing any technology at school. Cyber safety and anti-bullying teaching is part of our regular teaching program.